Sunday, June 28, 2009

god isnt dead he's just a bastard true story.

Friday, June 26, 2009

what's this i hear you say?? Tim your talking to yourself again this morning and for what purpose? ( as if we had to ask) maybe I'm nearly tired of telling everyone to fuck off but the realities of this world can be somewhat depressing and i don't have the energy or the inclination to try and take the whole behemoth down. And you know that we can only blame ourselves if we believe (and like me I'm sure you do) that we are essentially good people albeit human (all too human). What have we done? to help this world to change this world to augment even a tiny bit of the malaise that we have had installed in us the rampant apathy that allows certain people who are just as apathetic to humanity but far more wealthy to have exactly what they want while we get to 'grow up' and come to grips with the realisation that 'you can't always get what you want' and indeed so many people can't even get what they desperately need. My real problem in this is that i am not a socialist or communist by political persuasion mainly because the ideology while hugely attractive on the surface sadly neglects to take into account facets of human nature, mainly of humans as animals. So where do we go from here?? by the way this is an opportunity for someone to give me an answer.

Friday, June 12, 2009

you know whats sad??? the fact that for the vast majority of the time this world inspires me to do no more than hurl abuse at an imaginary reader.
i like the sound of my internet voice pity no one else does. So a message for all of you, and i cant remember if ive told you before or not but anywayz here we go.............. go fuck yourself you arrogant self serving self centered monkeys you have no appreciation of irony.