Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Peace allows complacency

Complacency breeds ineptitude

Ineptitude starts the rot

And when the rot is done………..

It’s all on for love or money


The sky is falling and I can’t breathe,

You tell me it isn’t but I can’t ignore what I see

I feel it coming down and closing around me,

It is terrifying and you can’t help you can’t hold up the heavens,

You can’t breathe for me

I am trapped it is so hard to hold the world at bay

But I have no other choice this won’t just fade away

Or get better like all those people keep saying

They don’t know they can’t see it they just say what they think there supposed to say

And it does not help I can’t breathe words don’t change that

And when they say they are so matter of fact like I can flick the switch

‘oh your just having a bad day’

I’m stronger than all you bastards lets see you hold the sky for so long

But is it worth it, the struggle and pain of holding on

I get tired like everyone else

And all I want is a holiday.

Friday, July 24, 2009

I really have nothing to say but i feel as if i should be doing something. Maybe I'm just having an attack of unapathy. Maybe i care. Maybe. Only a few short weeks before my life changes for good, not that this is a bad thing, but life as we all know it has a pattern and is generally a fan of change and life generally begets life. That being the reason for the change and most likely the reason for the said and unusual affliction. All this gets me to thinking about the world as it is and where it's going in the context of my expectant joint legacy (with my wife of course). In the past I have been inclined to and (the imaginary reader) may have noticed my affinity for calling the world the great fucking whore that it appears to be. Sadly this is only acceptable when the levels of ones own self loathing matches the general cruelty that the complicated system of humanity and its conditions inflicts upon itself. I cannot indulge in this sort of judgement now. It is not acceptable. My life now actually has meaning, the only real meaning that any life can obtain and as such my life has taken on a semantic simplicity and the more complex scenario of living with the renewed responsibility of 'real life in the real world'. Not that that changes anything. No time to live in ones head. Now i live. Now i need not ponder the deeper metaphysical aspects of existence, now my existence is required to do what it must; necessitate it's self. Now more than ever i am critically aware of the continuing relationship between order and chaos. We need both!- indeed order is a nesessary product of chaos which in turn explains and secures our existence and the reason for me writing this. Having a baby. While reason may faulter and change time still marches on. And while there is time all possiblities will eventuate including this. Any questions??

Sunday, June 28, 2009

god isnt dead he's just a bastard true story.

Friday, June 26, 2009

what's this i hear you say?? Tim your talking to yourself again this morning and for what purpose? ( as if we had to ask) maybe I'm nearly tired of telling everyone to fuck off but the realities of this world can be somewhat depressing and i don't have the energy or the inclination to try and take the whole behemoth down. And you know that we can only blame ourselves if we believe (and like me I'm sure you do) that we are essentially good people albeit human (all too human). What have we done? to help this world to change this world to augment even a tiny bit of the malaise that we have had installed in us the rampant apathy that allows certain people who are just as apathetic to humanity but far more wealthy to have exactly what they want while we get to 'grow up' and come to grips with the realisation that 'you can't always get what you want' and indeed so many people can't even get what they desperately need. My real problem in this is that i am not a socialist or communist by political persuasion mainly because the ideology while hugely attractive on the surface sadly neglects to take into account facets of human nature, mainly of humans as animals. So where do we go from here?? by the way this is an opportunity for someone to give me an answer.